Iguana is an open source issue management system with a kanban board, sprint planning
and time logging features, and anything else you need to make working on a project in groups pleasant.
You can get in on github.
sudo apt-get install postgresql-server-dev-11
echo "psycopg2==<version> " >> requirements/development.req
# postgres is the actual system user
sudo -u postgres createdb <name of your database>
sudo -u postgres psql <name of your database> < <your database dump file>
sudo -u postgres create <your new postgres user for this project>
sudo -u postgres psql
# The password must not be empty
postgres=# alter user <your new postgres user for this project> with
encrypted password '<password for your new postgres user> ';
# important: port needs to be empty and password must not be empty
'default': {
'ENGINE': django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
'NAME': '<name of your database> ',
'USER': '<your new postgres user for this project> ',
'PASSWORD': '<password of your new postgres user - must not be empty> ',
'HOST': 'localhost',
'PORT': '',
# recreate the development to get the new dependencies and add the new database
make development
make migrate
make run